Dartmoor Mega Challenge Now Available!

Yes, we are now back up and running.  Judy and I managed to get out yesterday to place a new cache on Hanger Down on an unbelievably cold day.  The temperature was about -6C and the windchill must have taken it down to -12C.  I don’t think I have ever been so cold on Dartmoor before.  However, it’s a great place to come with wonderful views in all directions and we also took in the nearby Hanger Down Clump cache.  Certainly worth the visit here.

Dartymoor’s first attempt at placing a new cache for us unfortunately failed as he discovered he needed extra permission in the location he had chosen.  But he got back out there today to place a new cache on the eastern edge of Haytor Down.  Many thanks to Simon for placing this cache and I have therefore re-enabled the Dartmoor Mega Challenge! Cheers

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Author: Dartmoor Dave


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