2017 Five Rivers Challenge

Once again we have organised an extra activity to coincide with our 2017 New Year Cream Tea Event which is being held on 1st January, 2017 at The East Dart Hotel, Postbridge. We seem to have run out of local tors to place caches so this year we are visiting rivers.  But no swimming is necessary!

At about 8:30am on 1st January 10 new caches will be published on Dartmoor.  This year we have abandoned using offset caches and instead there will be 9 simple traditional caches and one very simple bonus cache. Unusually for me, all of the caches should be simple to find and each will have a good hint to help you.  The challenge is to plan your way around the caches rather than to spend hours finding them.

Almost every cache will have different approaches to it.  Maybe a short route with a river crossing or a longer route without one.

Three of the caches include a 2017 Dartmoor Geocoin as FTF Prizes

Yes, similar to last year, 3 of the 10 caches will have an unactivated geocoin as a FTF prize.  I would ask that any caching group takes no more than 1 of these coins.  Please do leave a second FTF geocoin to another group.

New Information Here

  • All 10 caches have been placed within a radius of less than 4 miles from The Cherrybrook
  • The total STRAIGHT LINE distance from nearest parking to every cache, and back, is less than 6 miles.  But you will need to plan your routes!
  • Two caches are near the Swincombe.  If you approach from Hexworthy or Holne you MUST NOT DRIVE PAST THE CATTLE GRID TO SHERBERTON, there is NO PARKING past that point.
  • All caches will be published at or before 8.30am on New Year’s Day.  You may come to The Cherrybrook AFTER 7.45am if you wish to use our wifi.
  • As in previous years some caches will be published on www.opencache.uk.  You will need to register in order to see the cache coordinates.  Please DO log your finds on opencache.
  • The Bonus Cache has already been published: https://opencache.uk/viewcache.php?cacheid=946

As in previous years, some of the caches will be listed on geocaching.com and some on opencache.uk.

There is not a long list of rules, but please use ONLY ONE CAR for each group and do not swap bonus numbers with other groups.

So, how many are up for our Five Rivers Challenge?  Please reply to this post to let us know if you will be taking part or to ask any questions.

Please note that you can participate in this activity without attending our New Year Cream Tea event and can attend the event without participating in this activity.

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Author: Dartmoor Dave


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