Dartmoor 2014 Geocoin Race

Welcome to the first Dartmoor Geocoin Race  Happy

I’ve read so many negative thoughts regarding trackables, that I thought I would organise a geocoin race, which should enable a few more geocoins to be released, hopefully will give us all a bit of competitive fun and maybe give us all a more positive view on trackables.

It’s very easy to take part.  You will need to release one of the limited edition 2014 Dartmoor Geocoins.  Normally these sell at £12 plus £3 p&p, but for this race they will cost only £10 including p&p.  If you want one to keep and one to race it will cost £22 including p&p for 2 coins.

There is really only one rule – the geocoin MUST be released and placed in a cache for others to find.

The geocoin will remain your property and you can set whatever goals you would like on the geocoin page.  I would ask you NOT to remove the geocoins name but to add to it, e.g. it comes named as Dartmoor National Park 2014 Geocoin, so you could add Sue’s ….. to the front of it.  That way everybody can still search for it and I can produce some race details.

The race will run until 31st December 2014 and there will be 2 winners.  The coin that has travelled furthest and the coin that has been PLACED in the greatest number of caches.  Visited will not count, and neither will discovered.  The whole idea is to let these coins move from cache to cache, and not be held.  You can add instructions to the coin’s page or attach them to the coin to let everybody know that it is in a race.  The prize for these 2 winners will be a 2015 Dartmoor geocoin – yet to be designed.

If any coin goes missing before 31st December 2014 I will replace it free of charge up to a maximum of 5 coins in total.  But this will NOT apply until the coin has been moved on at least once.  This should encourage you to think carefully about where you start it off – e.g. not in a cache & dash, but in a more remote location away from a road.

This is intended as a bit of fun and hopefully everybody will take part in that spirit.  I’m sure that there are lots of ways to improve your chances, but please play fair as I don’t want any disputes or arguments.  Just go for it  Approve

If you want to take part, please add a comment below OR post on the Devon Geocachers Facebook page.


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Author: Dartmoor Dave


One thought on “Dartmoor 2014 Geocoin Race”

  1. Dear Dave,
    Well done on setting what I anticipate will be a lovely way to spend New Year’s day on Dartmoor. Regrettably, I will not be able to participate. My wife is currently undergoing chemotherapy and we have to stay here in Surrey close to her hospital.
    As I will not be able to maintain my caches as I would wish for quite a few more months, I wonder if perhaps I should transfer them to any willing volunteers. I thought perhaps you might like to take over those in and around Cut Hill as you like it so much there. Perhaps MuddyPuddles would like to take on those of my caches that contain clues for his excellent Dartmoor Forest trail. I see elloello is newly active on North Dartmoor, perhaps he would like to take on some of those up there. I wonder if you could find time to discuss this whilst at tea tomorrow with other cachers who might like also to take some over. If they e-mail me, I will effect the transfers.
    All the very best to all Dartmoor Cachers for 2015

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