Templer Way (Part 2)

Welcome to Dartmoor Geocaching Forums Cache Watch Templer Way (Part 2)

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  • #903
    Avatar photodartymoor

    Not on dartmoor, but Kingsteignton and I know many regulars here have done it.

    Disturbing news today – seems many of the unique containers on this series seem to have been stolen over the past few days. Real shame as this series was a delight and one of my favourites – I hope jacksteve is able to continue.

    I hope it’s not a geocaching thief on the large :/

    Avatar photokidicarus

    This is a real shame and quite shocking, as it was a great series with inventive hides. I’ve met Jacksteve and he’s a nice guy and can’t imagine he’d upset anyone. I hope this doesn’t put a permanently bad taste in his mouth. Jacksteve, if you read this, please carry on setting them.

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