Smith’s Wood and Sigford Consoles Mines

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  • #886
    Avatar photoWestwardho!

    Every now and again in your working life you get put in a place which is the equivalent of ‘a child in a sweet shop’. I have always been interested in industrial archaeology and especially the Dartmoor area, so imagine how ‘cock a hoop’ I was today to find that I would actually be working on the old miners cottages of Smith’s Wood Mine (SX773748) and the nearby Sigford Consoles Mine. Lunchtime was spent exploring shafts,adits and nearby buildings. The mines were worked between 1819 -1863  the first for tin and copper the latter just copper. The owner seems to think there was also some arsenic production and also told me a tale about when he nearly drove his tractor down a nearby now covered shaft because at the time it just had a piece of rusty corrugated iron over it.

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