Changes to Website

Welcome to Dartmoor Geocaching Forums What’s New? Changes to Website

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  • #603
    Avatar photoDartmoor Dave

    Have you spotted the changes just made on the web site? They have replaced Google maps with MapQuest maps in the top map of the two shown for each cache. If you enlarge the bottom map and change that also to MapQuest you get a much better map that shows the names of all the tors and the rivers on Dartmoor. Unfortunately is does not show the boundary of the National Park which Google does.

    They have also corrected a bug which only showed small photos for spoilers etc unless you used the gallery. You can now just click on the photo and get a full sized photo shown.

    Have you also noticed that once you have solved a puzzle you can change the coordinates to the actual cache location. Unfortunately this does NOT change the position when you look at the enlarged map, so of limited use, although I assume that it may place it in the right position if you create a Pocket Query, but I haven’t tested that yet.

    Avatar photoMiss

    Yes it does place it in the corrected place in a PQ. Very useful!

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