Car Parking Sites

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    I first visited Dartmoor as a boy, usually arriving by bus at Bovey for example and walking in. Now as a car owner, I have had to learn about the suitable (and legal and friendly) places where cars can be left for the day. Can I suggest that we make more efforts to include details of suitable sites to leave cars. This would help visitors from afar and, hopefully, be helpful to the those living locally who might otherwise find access routes blocked. Just an idea.

    Krosses Krazy

    Not sure if this is something that might help you.

    Then click on the moor carparks link. If you then click on the Parking sign you get the grid reference and a picture of the carpark.


    Avatar photodartymoor

    I agree, and try to waymark parking spots when setting caches.

    The reasons are as elditton says, and self evident. I did a small series south of the moor yesterday and there were no coords, and the logs were full of “I didn’t know where to park” and “Found better parking halfway round” – and I’m certain this uncertainty is one why that series has had so few visitors – I almost passed it by myself.

    Also a shame; that series has been abandoned and the owners left the scene. Plenty of wet caches after this winter, but somehow it’s worse when you report it knowing it’ll never get sorted. 🙁

    Tamerton Chocolates

    I remember that Ermington Woods series. The individual finds only have the bonus numbers written on the lid, but you have to read the cache description itself to find out what letter in the formula they represent (and it is not a, b, c, d but some random order).

    We met the Modbury Plodders once a few years ago – I seem to remember Mr MP was not very well at the time.

    Avatar photodartymoor

    Tamerton – yes, that was quite odd. I didn’t spot that variable buried deep in each cache description – the bonus had no such clues and I assumed cache 1=A, Cache 2=B etc. That gave a final quite a way outside of the woods and I didn’t attempt it. It wasn’t until I was home and logging that I did see that strange thing in the logs.

    Also, cache one has a number written on the lid that can be read right way up or upside down giving two possible numbers!

    It was a bit bonkers, too be honest, and I was a bit miffed when logging. Sorry to hear they may have stopped caching due to illness though. 🙁

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