Adding a jpeg to a geocache listing

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    Avatar photodartmoor strider

    We adopted a ‘muddy puddles’ Bagtor cache a while ago and realise that during the months of March to July access is restricted to a linear path the runs through the area (via Bagtor, so getting the cache is not a problem). The area is restricted because Curlews nest here. I would like to include some extra information in our cache listing and also a jpeg map (see attached) showing the linear route to the tor to ensure that everyone is clear where they are allowed to walk. Does anyone know how to do this?

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    Avatar photoDartmoor Dave

    It’s all very easy to edit a cache listing to add a jpg. It only requires you to edit the html. It appears that you don’t even need to “own” the jpg but can link to any already available. The easiest way is to upload an image into the gallery and then reference it from the listing, that way it keeps everything together.

    Add the code below to one of your listings:

    😛 😛 😛

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    Avatar photoDartmoor Dave

    It’s very easy to edit the cache listing but far more difficult to tell you how to do it 😥 !

    The problem is that as soon as I included any html code, this page executes it instead of displaying it! If you include it as a comment then it doesn’t show at all!

    So I have added some example code as a jpeg, but it really is very easy to do 😛 !

    Tamerton Chocolates


    Usually if you URL-encode the html sensitive characters (like chevrons) you should be ok typing it .. for instance typing ‘>’ gives a ‘>’

    now there is no preview button so I won’t actually know if it works on this forum or not until I hit post 😉

    Tamerton Chocolates

    Nice one .. it double encodes them .. anyway .. to write a chevron you do:


    Avatar photodartmoor strider

    Thanks for all the help but am still really confused. I have edited my listing inserting the following (which I have enclosed in {brackets}, but still no image. I have the jpeg on my C: drive so the easiest way would be use this. However, I am using your suggestion, linking it to a website but it is not working <div class=”UserSuppliedContent”>
    </div>}…….. Please tell me where I am going wrong

    Avatar photoDartmoor Dave

    Upload your image to the cache listing using an upload image log.
    Click on the image and copy the url of the image.
    Edit the cache listing and use this url in the listing. You cannot refer to an image on your home drive because I cannot see your home drive and groundspeak couldn’t see it either!

    Avatar photodartmoor strider

    Thanks Dave and Tamerton Chocolates. I have finally sorted out my issue. Thanks for your patience.

    Avatar photoDartmoor Dave

    Another happy customer – only too pleased we could help 😛

    Now, about Madman’s Lair ….. 😳

    Avatar photodartmoor strider

    It’s not called Madman’s Lair for nothing you know!…….[;)]

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