Reply To: Top 10 Dartmoor Caches…??

Avatar photodartymoor

Might be best to avoid some of the mires and the inner areas well away from the roads, but there’s still lots to do. Weather can change quickly, and forecasts are never reliable on the moor. Always wear good boots and wear proper clothes. There, nanny stuff out the way. 🙂

Hot spot areas: Burrator Resorvoir, some great caches there, but sometimes very muggly.

West of Princetown, Foggintor, Swelltor, Kings Tor quarries and the old railway bed. Good history, stunning views, not too strenuous if you park at Princetown and follow the railway down. One of my favourite walks, and many caches.

West side of the moor; Burrator/Yelverton area have some very high quality caches, and don’t go past a Pipe Dream, Expect the Unexpected or a Joy of Caching cache without trying them.

Self publicity: East side, an hour or so to do my walk around Great Plantation by Bovey Tracey is an easy and level walk if you’re looking for something not too challenging. Not strictly in Dartmoor, that bit. I’ve just done a new walk by Hennock that’ll take a bit longer and has lots of steep bits, and includes some mining history and is just inside Dartmoor.

If you’re poking around moors you’ll also find a letterbox or too, so take an inkpad and some blank postcards if you want to do those.

If puzzles are your thing, Yelverton has a very high density by Hobo and Miss. Also a few Earthcaches around.

And welcome to what I think is the best place in the world 🙂

  • This reply was modified 12 years, 1 month ago by Avatar photodartymoor.