Reply To: Should We Log a Find on a Puzzle We Haven't Solved?

Welcome to Dartmoor Geocaching Forums From the Cache Owners Perspective Should We Log a Find on a Puzzle We Haven't Solved? Reply To: Should We Log a Find on a Puzzle We Haven't Solved?

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We currently have forty five puzzle caches out there. They cover a wide range of puzzle types including encryptions, maths problems, embedded details in the notices and ones requiring information from reference sources. They are of course intended for those cachers who like solving puzzles as well as going out and finding caches. There are plenty of caches that don’t require any intellectual activity for those that don’t like puzzles.
After a cache has been found for the first time we are very happy to help any cacher with a clue or two to help solve one of our puzzles. We are fully aware that there are several cachers who seem to like giving away the answers/locations. We have to accept that this is part of the game in the same way that there are cachers who cannot physically reach some caches but get others to “find” them. Usually if cachers are in a group and one has solved a puzzle all members of the group will record a find in the same way that only one of the group need climb a tree.
If some cachers think that the numbers are so important that they need to “cheat” that is up to them but it would be nice if they attributed in their logs any help received.