Reply To: Active Dartmoor 2013

Avatar photoDartmoor Dave

A good meeting tonight with lots of very useful ideas for activities to be included in the Active Dartmoor week. I brought up geocaching as a possible activity and it received good support and might be included as one of the family activities. I’m not certain how this fits in with the Groundspeak policy which normally does not allow geocaching to be used in support of a commercial venture, which clearly Active Dartmoor is. Although there would be no charge for taking part it would be part of the broader goal of promoting Dartmoor as a holiday destination. However, one of the main aims would be to introduce new members to geocaching, and if these activities were run in conjunction with Groundspeak, then the spin off would be that Groundspeak would also benefit by getting new members. Another alternative would be to place geocaches according to the normal rules, but not to publish them until after the end of the week, when the commercial aspect of the geocaches had gone. That way they would then become available to all members to find. However, if somebody has just got enthusiastic about geocaching and found their first caches, they would be very keen to log on to to log their finds!

I would be very interested to hear from anybody who might know of Groundspeak’s view of this sort of venture. No doubt the Dartmoor Partnership, who are organising the week, would be looking for some sort of sponsorship from whoever they became involved with.