Reply To: Why so few dartmoor trails?

Avatar photoDartmoor Dave

I think I’m now beginning to understand what you are saying. Basically the remote series are too difficult and too long and you want more finds in a full days walk than the 16 or 17 that my trails offer. You didn’t mention Heads of the Rivers Trek which has 17 caches in 11 miles, but this is probably more difficult than WotWS.

You did mention Ring of Laughter which is a very nice and popular trail but can hardly be described as “open moorland”. It only has 9 caches in 3.6 miles, so spaced at 0.4 mile apart, which I consider to be about the optimum spacing – but then power trails are not my favourite.

I think that you are probably raising some of the earlier questions “is it all about the numbers?” and “do we want power trails on Dartmoor?” both of which are very valid questions. My preference is to walk 6 miles into the moor for one new remote cache, rather than travel miles for a power trail or the new urban power trail which seems to be creating a stack of DNFs around Newton Abbott. But as some will quickly remind me “to each their own” which I do respect 🙂

I will normally go for quality over quantity and really enjoyed Dartmoor Strider’s new series near Bovey Tracey. We really enjoyed our morning there, so very many thanks to Kevin, Sue & family for those caches. I think that is the sort of series I would like to see more of – a great walk, some quality caches, great variety and not too closely spaced – an almost perfect series 🙂