Reply To: New MoD guidelines?


So, on the basis of this new information I tried to get my long-suffering cache Knattaborough Tor (not even in the range but that’s another story) published.

I explained the letter from the MoD, and gave a link.

The reviewer then wrote out an edited version of the letter (intentionally excluding parts, including the bit about Dartmoor) and stated “Until you can supply a ruling from the MoD that superceeds this, your cache cannot be published at this location.”

So I replied, thinking they had missed the most important paragraph and the fact that this was an MoD letter, and stated it was an MoD letter and quoted the paragraph:

“There are a small number of training areas that the MOD do not own or hold under leasehold arrangements. These are areas where the MOD is licensed to train but are not the primary occupier. In these circumstances the MOD has no control over geocaching or many other recreational activities and thus it still remains the landowner’s decision to allow the placing of geo-caches e.g. Dartmoor Training Area with the exception of Willsworthy Range which is owned by the MOD. ”

Clearly, this is an official MoD letter, from the GAGB site (the site they based the ban on in the first place).

The result? My cache has now been archived so I can’t complain or ask for it to be reconsidered, pretty disgusting in my opinion and very disheartening. No explanation.

Clearly this ban is not over while the reviewer wants to play God. He clearly has an issue with me (I’ve been civil throughout) but what is the point in appealing when the reviewers are so powerful. They can, and will, do what they like.