Reply To: New MoD guidelines?

Avatar photoDartmoor Dave

We took off to Cornwall today for a very disappointing day’s caching. I may not agree with everything that Chris Graculus says but he has this after his signature on his posts “When you go to hide a geocache, think of the reason you are bringing people to that spot. If the only reason is for the geocache, then find a better spot.” Unfortunately we found several that fitted that description today – no more than micros tossed in hedgerows 🙁 This seems to be the trend in geocaching which I find to be so disappointing – but then as we all know “It’s all about the numbers!”

Anyway, I digress – just before I left this morning Andrew Watson (Head of Recreation at DNPA) returned my call from Monday. He knows nothing of the ban and has asked his Head Ranger to take it up with the guys at Okehampton. I suspect this could be a lengthy process!