Reply To: Happy 1k to me…

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Oh, and DD – if I’m comparing. As I’ve said a few times in here, geocaching for me is mostly about the walk. Exploring new areas. These trails give a structured walk with some numbers thrown in. They push most of my buttons for caching and why I’ve spent an awful lot of time on the M5 and North Devon Link this summer as most of the long ones seem to be in North Devon.

Parramble has superb views; crosses part of the open moor of Exmoor and has more footpath than road. Parking can be an issue but you’ll find somewhere. My favourite views were at the top end down across the coast towards Valley of the Rocks.

WDW – Huge sense of achievement on completing without a DNF. Much more roadwork, two untidy farms, wetter underfoot generally. Some great views, along the north side, and the wind turbines do overpower one – the noise on even a slightly windy day was enough for me to not be able to hear traffic in the lanes. I was fairly ambivalent about them, but that walk polarised my view of the things – although from the logs, others walk away loving them!

On both – that underlying smell of cow muck that N Devon seems to specialise in…