Reply To: Difficulty/Terrain Ratings – What Do They Mean?

Welcome to Dartmoor Geocaching Forums General Geocaching Topics Difficulty/Terrain Ratings – What Do They Mean? Reply To: Difficulty/Terrain Ratings – What Do They Mean?

Avatar photoGoldenHaystack

No offence taken at all and it is I who should apologise to you having given you the impression that I was offended.

I was first to find a cache last summer in order to fill a gap in my D/T ratings chart. The following day the CO changed the rating!!!

All’s fair in love and war!

Before submiting a proposed puzzle cache for review I showed it to an eminent puzzler for her opinion. She replied that the rating was too low. However, this was intentional as I was going to add a couple of hints to the cache page once it had been first found.

Such is the maze of D/T ratings.    GH.