Reply To: Caches in walls

Avatar photoDartmoor Dave

I agree with reb10 in that this forum is precisely where these issues ought to be discussed.  However, I’m beginning to realise that this is just a symptom of a far bigger problem, geocaching itself!  But I don’t want to get off topic here, just enough to say that the values some of us clearly hold are not shared by others – but that is another whole discussion.

As regards caches in walls, I can assure you all that it is not a problem confined to Dartmoor.  Judy and I are currently spending a few days in Cornwall, with the main aim to complete HALO – and that will certainly be another topic for discussion!!!  Today we found at least 3 HALO caches in dry stone walls.  They are of a different construction in Cornwall, being made mainly of slates rather than granite blocks, but the same should surely apply.  One of these caches was placed on top of a wall and was hidden using slates that had clearly come from the wall, although I’m not suggesting that they were removed by the CO, but they had been used.

Re the NT, I was very surprised to see that one of the caches placed in Castle Drogo by NT staff is in one of their walls!  So what hope is there for getting the message across?