Reply To: BOOTS!

Avatar photoDartmoor Dave

It’s very interesting that many walkers expect to get wet feet when walking on Dartmoor. I’ve read it time and time again in the logs and so many of our guests here come back with sodden footwear and wet feet and dartymoor admits to the same 😥 !

I have to say that I always expect to complete a walk on Dartmoor and come back with dry feet. That is why I buy waterproof boots – if they are not waterproof I don’t want them! However, you have to continually proof even Gor-Tex boots and Judy is always waxing her leather ones.

The only reason we have both turned to Neoprene wellies is because it gives you so much more flexibility. You can wade through bogs and streams, etc and you don’t need to concentrate too much on where you are walking. The main downside is that they can get very hot, so avoid in warm weather. Today we went back to our normal boots for the excellent walk around Cotehele which we would thoroughly recommend 🙂